125th Armored Engineer Battalion

Nothing Without Labor!

125th Armored Engineer Battalion History

125th Armored Engineer Battalion Photos

Unknown and PFC Casto Jackson

PFC Casto Jackson

PFC Casto Jackson

Unknown and PFC Casto Jackson

PFC Casto Jackson

T/5 Ellis Ford

T/5 Ellis Ford and Unknown

T/5 Ellis Ford

T/5 Ellis Ford

T/5 Ellis Ford

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

C Company

C Company

C Company

Marseilles, France

Corporal Donald Edlebeck

Corporal Donald Edlebeck

Corporal Bruce Sullivan

T/4 Robert Kroupa

T/4 Robert Kroupa

T/5 Dominick Marinaro

S/SGT Daniel Teves

LT. Colonel John Morrison, Battalion Commander, 125th Armored Engineer Battalion

125th Eng. BN., Combat Command A, 14th Arm Div., putting in a bridge across Seltzbach River, Niederrœdern, France, 18 March 1945.

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

T/5 Elmer Cox, A Company

T/5 Elmer Cox, A Company

125th AEB Medical Detachment - Capt. A E Dailey front left

A Company - 28 OCT 1944 Bill Everling, Perry Harold Thompson, Dan Gnan, Seymour Givner in Marseilles, France

A Company - Bill Everling and others

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th ENGR

125th Armored Engineer Battalion Documents

125th AEB Battalion Crest

Battalion Journal
Dec 1944

General Orders
Apr - Aug 1945

Unit History
Dec 1944 - Apr 1945

C Company Report of Operations
9 NOV - 3 Dec

14 April 1945 - 125th Armored Engineer Battalion

Get in touch

Mikel Shilling
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