499th Armored Field Artillery Battalion

By Skill and By Force

499th Armored Field Artillery Battalion History

SGT Norm Shetley Memoir
PDF Format

499th Armored Field Artillery Battalion Photos

499th Armored Field Artillery Battalion

Siegfried Line

Hatten Alsace France


B Battery Medic

Hitler's Eagles Nest

Dachau, entrance to the crematorium

Dachau, entrance to the gas chambers

Dachau, dog kennels

Downed Jet in Erding

Norm Shetley in the downed jet

B Battery Wire Patrol - Shetley, Mac and Dolan

A and B Battery wire crews

Mac and Shetley

S/SGT Donald R Sowell

S/SGT Donald R Sowell - Sailer Hausen, Germany about 15 APR 1945

L-R: LT Drake, S/SGT Donald R Sowell, Cpl Pittrone, PFC Meyers, SGT Steinbach, Cpl Raney, SGT Bals, LT Courier, Sgt Brom...

L-R: Pittrone, Meyers, Sowell, Williams and LT Drake

L-R: Pittrone, Meyers, Sowell, Williams and LT Drake

L-R: Standing: Meyers, Sgt Sowell, LT Drake Reclining: Pittrone and Williams at Side: Sgt Bals

This medic is dressing the wounds of a German Soldier that we shot.

LT Drake, Sgt Sowell, Sgt Hembach and Lt Lliybass

SGT Sowell in German plane, notice the bullet holes

SGT Sowell

SGT Sowell

B Battery: SGT Werner Wirth

Medical Detachment including T/4 Richard Jacoby

Medical Detachment - T/4 Richard Jacoby

B Battery

PFC George Turner receiving the Medal of Honor from President Truman

499th Armored Field Artillery Battalion

A Battery

A Battery

A Battery

A Battery

A Battery

A Battery - SGT Weeks photo of train station in Hatten

A Battery - SGT Weeks photo of destruction in Hatten

A Battery

A Battery

A Battery

A Battery

A Battery

A Battery

A Battery

A Battery

A Battery

A Battery

A Battery

A Battery

A Battery

A Battery

A Battery

A Battery

A Battery

A Battery

A Battery

A Battery

A Battery

A Battery

A Battery

A Battery

499th Armored Field Artillery Battalion Documents

SGT Norm Shetley Memoir
PDF Format

FM 6 - 74
M7 Priest Manual

Battalion Crest

14th AD

The Cannoneer

Get in touch

Mikel Shilling
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