501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion

By Fire by sword

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion History

Mission Accomplished!
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501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion Photos

Heinz Herbert Kohring, Battery A, manning his machine gun on an M7 Priest nicknamed 'Anne' c.1944-1945

Sergeant Chester 'Chet' West, A Battery, posing with kids from Neuotting Germany after VE Day

Charles Pate, Donald Masters, Chester West, and Heinz Kohring, Repairing Ann's shocks

George Warren, Leslie Wilbur on M3 halftrack in an Alsation town c.1944

Alphonso Dorsaneo PFC Buffalo NY

Photo courtesy of family of Conrad P Adamski Jr. Tec 5 Antigo WI (name of GI in photo unknown)

Bennie's Lady Ammo

Photo courtesy of Adamski family

Conrad P Adamski (back left) and buddies in training

Boarding the Pullman cars for NY - courtesy of Admaski family

Boarding the Pullman cars for NY - courtesy of Admaski family

Boarding the Pullman cars for NY - courtesy of Admaski family

Adamski and friend

Note on photo by Chester West...Small group of regular guys

A Battery M7-Anne

Sgt Louis's section on the March from Au/ Hallertau to Neuötting. Elmer Rathert pfc Catawissa MO, Gerald Leahy cpl Indi...

Manure pile on street in front of house-Alsace

Willard Terrill Tec5 Monroe City MO, Danes ?, Edward Kuhagen pfc Milwaukee WI, Roland Allen pfc Malone NY, Frederick Fox...



Gelason, Hodges, Collins, Kupi, Lattimer, Wilderman, Rameli, Watts, Van Valkenburg, Morris, Vandegrift, Higgins, Ashby, ...

Lt. James Nicholson goes for seconds, also back left William J. McCord can be seen (wearing glasses). A Battery Forward...


Leo Magnani writing and eating while on a problem

Donald Herriot (Tec5 Etna OH) on tank-Alsace-part of barn blown away

Fred Talbot A Battery Forward Observer

A Battery

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Gen. Albert Smith

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Eagles Nest Before

Eagles Nest After

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion

Major Smoot and Chimney Sweep

Vittori, Waaland, Evilsizor, Cooney and Vensky



Vredenburg - Adolf Hitler Street




FO Crew: Vandergrift, Cooper, Talbot and Vredenburg

Vredenburg and Vic

Vredenburg at Sedgley Field

S/SGT Spencer Smith, Communications Chief, HQ Battery

McCord, Talbot others unknown at this time

Charles Vredenburg

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion

Heinz Kohring at Chet West's home in Iowa

Tech SGT Skeirik

Tech SGT Skeirik

Recon Squad Tech SGT Skeirik and unknown soldiers

Tech SGT Skeirik

Forward Observer 1st LT William Leightenheimer

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion

Camp Campbell Field House

FO2 Lt. Leightenheimer, Sgt. Anderson, Cpl Uhrig, and T4 Ingram. Johnson (loader) was absent at time of photo

A Battery - T/5 Ed Collins

A Battery - T/5 Ed Collins

B Battery - T/4 Glenn Thompson

B Battery - T/4 Glenn Thompson

Battery B – T/4 Glenn H Thompson

Battery B – T/4 Glenn H Thompson

Battery B – T/4 Glenn H Thompson

B Battery - #1 Orderly Room #2 Day Room #3 Mess Hall Camp - Chaffee, Ark

Battery B – T/4 Glenn H Thompson

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson /#1 Orderly Room #2 Day Room #3 Mess Hall Camp - Chaffee, Ark

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Concentration Camp near Allersburg, Germany April 20, 1945

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Lt. Hogedus – Inspection of ranks Camp Chaffee, Ark / Feb 1944

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / C T/4 Glenn H Thompson amp Chaffee, Ark / left James Bendlage – Second from right Gle...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Camp Chaffee, Ark / left Glenn Thompson – right James Bendlage

B Battery - James Bendlage Camp Chaffee, Ark

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Camp Chaffee, Ark

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Camp Chaffee, Ark suited up for tank training

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Camp Chaffee Ark Army buddies James Bendlage and Glenn Thompson

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson/ Camp Chaffee, Ark

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Sgt Camp Campbell, Ky July 1944

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Camp Chaffee, Ark

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Motor Pool Camp Chaffee, Ark

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Co. Street, Camp Chaffee, Ark January 1 1944 far building is the Post Exchange

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Camp Chaffee, Ark barracks January 1, 1944

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Capital Building Madison, Wisconsin – Discharge from Army

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Live fire training M7 105 Camp Campbell, Ark

B Battery - T/5 Verl A. Paullin and others

B Battery - T/5 Verl A. Paullin

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Firing problem solved Back to camp – Camp Chaffee, Ark

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Catching a ride – Camp Chaffee, Ark

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Troop Ship, Sea Robin Rode this ship from Camp Shanks, NY to Marseille, France, arriv...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Aboard Troop Ship Sea Robin in Marseille, France Harbor – did not disembark until the...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Cargo and troop ships at Marseille, France (view from Sea Robin troop ship) October 2...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Glenn bundled up on deck of the Troop Ship Sea Robin at Marseille, France October 28,...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson/ Bivouac after disembarking troop ship at Marseille, France / 8-mile march north of tow...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Marseille, France October 1944

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / October 1944 near Marseille, France in front of the supply tent

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Army Chaplin

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Fellows in the new section in our work clothes – within B Battery 22nd – 4th Armor Di...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / One of our first positions in battle taken in France, December 1944 (my section) Fire...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Taken near Weittbaruck, France January 24, 1945 near my fox hole – Left hand is my ma...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Unknown – Shovel appears to be a common tool

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Glenn on right / Top hat GI buddy unknown

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson/ Weyer, France January 1, 1945 – What is left of someone’s house – Everyday sight – Loc...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Engweillwr, France December 1944 – Glenn on the 50 cal machine gun taken after defens...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Glenn standing in foxhole with about foot of water in it – first round fired in batt...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Glenn w cook stove

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Glenn’s M7 tank on prime mover on way to front – France – November 1944

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Fording river – unknown position

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Glenn in front of pill box on Maginot Line Ingolshien, France December 1944 – Pill bo...

A Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / A Battery501st firing over the hill – first day with Patton’s Army.

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / B Battery in firing position – unknown location

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Unknown location shelled church and house

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Fired a lot of rounds from position near Ingwiller, France January 1945

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / In firing position near Ingwiller, France January 1945 – Pretty cold then!

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Fixing stove pipe for our tent December 1944 – l to r Murphy, Osner. Mills

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Ingwiller, France – Second position in battle – L to R Valdez – Colorado / Murphy – N...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / New Year’s Day, 1945 Weyer, France – GI buddy, James B Bendlage borrowed a sled from ...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Glenn M7 and some fellows in the section – L to R Mills – Ohio / Valdez – Colorado / ...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / 4th Armored Division Artillery sign

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson /Capital Building Madison Wisconsin Discharge from Army

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / German tank bunker

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Weitbaruck, France – January 24, 1945 M7 Crew Tent throughout battle – 100- yards beh...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Time out to write a letter home – Weather pretty nice today - L to R Glenn Thompson,...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / German ammo dump captured – Location unknown

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / German ammo dump captured – Covered from above by tree branches – Location unknown

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Weyer, France January 1945 – my M7 tank covered up with tarp to protect from snow

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Weyer, France January 1945 / L to R T/4 Bendlage – Ft Madison, IA / S SGT Sicbore – C...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Church in Weyer, France

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Typical village damage after our artillery barrage – Location unknown

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Weyer, France January 1, 1945

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Geardendorf, France – Main tool of use – Long Handled Shovel

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / L to R Iva Jones / Glenn Thompson March 1945 – location unknown

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Concentration Camp we went by near Allersberg, Germany April 20, 1945

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Villagers in potato field with wagon pulled by two cows

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Convoy of American vehicles moving toward the front – We are in firing position in so...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / A Battery 501st firing over the hill at enemy targets – First day after joining Patto...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Unknown pontoon bridge crossing location

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Unknown pontoon bridge crossing location

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Picture from my M7 drivers position crossing pontoon bridge over the Isar River towar...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Picture looking to rear of my M7 pontoon bridge over the Isar River

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Bridge blown by enemy over Isar River – Crossed by pontoon bridge April 28, 1945

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Aiglasbach, Germany April 12-14, 1945 – Common sight team hitched to a wagon – one ho...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / German ME 109 plane taken at the German airfield we overran – April 1945

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Crossing Isar River, toward Mossburg, Germany on pontoon bridge – April 28, 1945

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Glenn T relative, Thomas Smith met somewhere in Germany – April 1945

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Prime mover pulling a 155 mm howitzer (long Tom) and ammunition trailer

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / 155 mm Howitzer (Long Tom) in firing position Battery A 240th TA Bn APO 402

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Typical German country-side

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Autobahn around April 20-23. 1945 –A and B Battery firing positions - B Battery infil...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Batteries A and B firing position for attack on Allerberg around April 20 – 23. 1945

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Aiglesbach, Germany May 11, 1945 – Common sight one cow hitched to a wagon driven by ...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Mooseburg, Germany May 2, 1945 – Division liberated 20,000 Allied prisoners – Shows t...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Aiglesbach, Germany May 11-18,, 1945 – Beer hall where we stayed in – first town our ...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Ronaldsburg, Germany May 11-18, 1945 – A German home, half of building is the house a...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Cleaning equipment after the war is over

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Furth, Germany May 1, 1945 Those are German prisoners of war being brought in – It ha...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Ronaldsburg, Germany – position May 2 – 11, 1945 – X marks the spot when the war ende...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Ronaldsburg, Germany position May 2-11, 1945 – End of ETO war – Time to clean up the ...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Took a peep into Berlin after the war was over

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Mitter Gorching, Germany late May 1945 – Sgt Mckinzie who is standing in front of my ...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Glenn T standing in the motor pool late May 1945

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Glenn T borrowed villager bicycle to go for a ride

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Glenn T in Germany July 1945

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Glenn T in Germany July 1945

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Guarding German soldiers July 1945

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / German POW soldier July 1945

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Nurnberg, Stadium (now named Soldier Field) August 1945

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Nurnberg Stadium Aug 1945

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Taken at Nurmberg Stadium, Nurmberg, Germany August 1945 – Now called Soldier Stadium...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Blackwell #5 winning pitcher for the 3rd Army – 71 Infantry Division – owned by Cinci...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Harvey Walker #24 Centerfielder for 71 Infantry Division w 3rd Army – owned by the Ca...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Watching the 3rd Army Championship baseball game between 71 Inf Division and 76 Inf D...

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / P-51 at captured German airport

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Glenn T on a troop train

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Troop train

B Battery - T/4 Glenn H Thompson / Allied GIs – unknown location or date – Glenn T above arrow

B Battery - S/SGT Verl Paullin at the Dragon's Teeth of the Siegfried Line

B Battery - Dragon's Teeth of the Siegfried Line

B Battery - S/SGT Verl Paullin at Camp Chaffee

B Battery - 1st SGT Stone and SGT Hoibler (sp) opening a package from home

B Battery - 1st SGT Stone and SGT Hoibler opening a package from home

B Battery - Grote on Tennessee Maneuvers

B Battery - Williamson and Holetta on Tennessee Maneurvers

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A Battery

501st Armored Field Artillery Battalion Documents

Battalion Crest

A Battery Photo / Roster
HUGE file, may take a minute to download

A Battery Photo / Roster
HUGE file, may take a minute to download

A Battery Photo / Roster
HUGE file, may take a minute to download

HQ Battery

B Battery Photo / Roster
HUGE file, may take a minute to download

B Battery Photo / Roster
HUGE file, may take a minute to download

Kohring Memoir pg 1

Kohring Memoir pg 2











Mission Accomplished!
501st History

FM 6 - 74
M7 Priest Manual

My Close Encounters
Under Enemy Fire
Technical SGT Skeirik

14th AD

501st AFA

The Cannoneer

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Mikel Shilling
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